Monday, April 6, 2009

Guess What I Did!

I bought patterns! I broke my "All Burda - All The Time" rule and bought three Big 4 patterns; Vogue - to be specific! I don't even remember the last time I bought a Big 4 Pattern for myself. If Hell hasn't frozen over yet, as I feared in a previous post, it will freeze over when I actually sew these patterns.

I gave in to an impulse. But when I analyze the impulse, it makes sense. I gave up on the Big 4 because I preferred the way BWOF fits me. I was interested when I first heard about Today's Fit when they were first released and I wanted to try the patterns to see if they were really different. These patterns received favorable reviews at Pattern Review. Vogue Patterns were on sale at JoAnn's. So I bought a few. I'm not in love with most of the Today's Fit designs so the patterns I bought were very basic. I'm hopeful about the fit. According to information from Sandra Betzina's web site:

"Using realistic body measurements in 10 sizes, Vogue created garments that run true to the numbers—including increased dimensions for the waist and tummy."

The line about "increased dimensions for the waist and tummy" spoke to me! This part spoke to me too :

"Vogue created an entirely new sizing block to fit the shape of today’s woman, increasing the girth across the tummy, lowering the bust shaping, and varying the cup size from B to D."

Ouch. Maybe it spoke to me a little too truthfully.

In order to give Hell a fighting chance before it freezes over, I'm not going to start any of these patterns until I finish the BWOF projects already in my queue. Believe it or not, I'm a little excited about sewing them and I'm eager to see the results.


  1. Now I know why there is SNOW in the forcast here this week! LOL

  2. You are so funny! I bought the Today's Fit blouse pattern! It spoke to me too! I need to finish a few dresses and then I am going to start it!

  3. I think you bought 3 good patterns some of her other designs are a little artsy...hopefully you will use these soon!

    And I like the new look of the blog!!

  4. I hope you enjoy your new patterns,and are able to make them work. I don't subscribe to BWOF (but I may one of these days). I have used the big 4, and most of the independent designer patterns. My figure needs alterations on all of them. Measure, compare, sew.

  5. Good choices. And good luck with learning patternmaking. Let us know how it goes.

  6. Looking forward to seeing how you go with fit in these patterns. Like you, I use mostly Burda because they work for me. The sizes on the envelopes in the Big 4 seem to barely correlate to the actual fit for me. Do these patterns have finished measurements marked on them? I tend to use those measurements and get better results. Good luck!

  7. I made the t-shirt, which has darts, and it fit me well. I hope you like it, too.
