Top: Burda Style Magazine 04-2011-138A
I Pattern Description:

Pattern Sizing:
The BSM body comes in Plus sizes 44 - 52. Pamela's Pattern is XS - XL
Were the instructions easy to follow?
Since I used two patterns, I used two sets of instructions. Both were very easy to follow. The original BSM top called for a turned under seam allowance at the neckline. I preferred a bound neckline, so I used the instructions from Pamela's Pattern.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
The fabric was slightly busy, so I wanted a simple design. This long sleeved t-shirt had no design details to conflict with or get lost in the fabric.
Fabric Used:
I hastily selected this fabric from Gorgeous Fabrics. All I wanted was a black and white knit. It was easy to sew and I'm slowly changing my mind about knits.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
I tried making the changes to the neckline without using another pattern but I lost my nerve at the last minute. Good thing. When I compared my neckline adjustment with Pamela's Pattern neckline they were vastly different. My neckline would have looked really strange and I probably wouldn't have worn the top.
There will be other times when I want a no-frills long sleeved knit top. I'm certain to sew this again.
Pants: Burda Style Magazine 09-2010-135
How many pairs of black pants does one woman need? According to my closet, several. I've made yet another pair.
Pattern Sizing:
This is a Burda plus size pattern, European 44 - 52
Were the instructions easy to follow?
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
These pants have a partial lining on the front. I didn't know that when I decided on these pants, but I like the idea of a partial lining. The front lining was basted to the pants front and the two pieces were treated as one (technically, an interlining). Even the fly guard was lined. It makes a very neat appearance on the inside of the pants.
Fabric Used:
I bought this wool blend last year on a field trip to FabricMart.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
I did not make any alterations to these pants, but when I make them again, I will add maybe an inch to the waist.
My next pair of pants is likely to be this pattern.